WHO QualityRights aims to improve the quality of care in mental health and related services and to promote the rights of people with psychosocial, intellectual and cognitive disabilities. Through capacity building, service assessment, civil society engagement and policy reform, this project offers a comprehensive approach to ending coercion and promoting a recovery approach, in order to leave a lasting legacy of respect for human rights
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View the QualityRights training materials, QualityRights Toolkit, Guidance Modules, Evaluation Tools and promotional materials and media products.
See what other countries are doing to implement QualityRights, and the resources they have developed, translated and adapted as part of their national efforts.
A number of QualityRights training opportunities are available. Find out more about in-person and e‑training opportunities, as well as the International Diploma on Mental Health, Human Rights and Law.
WHO MiNDbank is a database of resources covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development from around the world.
More QualityRights videos and media are available here.
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Act, unite & empower for mental health.